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Devlog 2023 07 05

user_name edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

Pocket V1 DevLog #10

Date Published: July 5th, 2023

We have kept the goals and details in this document short, but feel free to reach out to @Olshansk in the core-dev-chat for additional details, links & resources.

Table of Contents

Iteration 20 Goals & Results

Iterate Dates: June 15th - June 30th, 2023

🔥 The team frikkin killed it 🔥

git diff 2074a1b0c27ec2c73168b02852cc6145b657c0af --stat
# 107 files changed, 9032 insertions(+), 10508 deletions(-)

Note that this exclude the work we did on infrastructure support, internal documentation, v0 work, SMT repo, collaboration with other projects and a lot more that happens behind the scenes!


  • 🟢 TestNet Rehearsal

    • 100% completeness of TestNet Rehearsal
    • Grade: 10 / 10
      • Completed
  • 🟢 MainNet Rehearsal

    • Have 5% of MainNet run the latest beta (w/o protocol upgrade)
    • Grade: 10 / 10
      • Completed and found some bugs along the way too when synching from scratch

M1: PoS

  • 🔴 Consensus

    • Attempt #1: Remove State Sync dependency on FSM
    • Attempt #3: finish minimum viable state sync
    • Grade: 1 / 10
      • Very little time left to work on this
  • 🟢 Persistence

    • MVP of the full commit & rollback DEMO
    • Grade: 7 / 10
      • The test which was going to be the demo has fought me more than expected but good progress has been made, there’s a design document ready, and the test harness is there, the mocks and the submodule interactions have been the problem.
  • 🟢 P2P

    • Attempt #N: Finishing off and merging in everything related to gossip and background
    • Grade: 8.5 / 10

M2: DoS

  • 🔴 Primary focus: observability
    • Open question: need to identify issues w/ metric access
    • Streamlining logging: Make structured logging system easily available to new devs w/ documentation part of LocalNet instructions
    • Attach smaller tickets in a separate repo to V2
    • Grade: 0 / 10
      • Other infrastructure related maintenance issues took away time from being able to focus on observability

M3: RoS

  • 🟢 Trustless Relay

    • Session caching on the client
    • Finish all the PRs in flight (review, merge in)
    • Provide an E2E test that works, blocks CI if it breaks, documented and visible (DEMO)
    • Grade: 8 / 10
  • 🟡 Feature Flags

    • Scope out the work necessary and create an E2E Feature Path github ticket using the template we created
    • Grade: 5 / 10
      • Research and design doc made good progress w/ support from bigBoss bus still a lot to do.


  • 🟢 SMST

    • Get it reviewed & merged in
    • Clean up the documentation & merge it in
    • Visualizers: create a visualizer for the tree
    • Present: Finish off the SMT presentation
    • Stretch goal: potentially start storing trustless relays in it
    • Grade: 8.5 / 10
      • SMST merged (wrapper around SMT option)
      • Visualiser is accurate but not pretty could do with some more work
      • Presentation went well but definietly could improve on some packed slides
      • Need to work closer with @Arash Deshmeh to get it in prod with M3
  • 🟢 ICS23

    • Put up the github ticket and PR for reivew to merge in the proof mechanisms
    • Up to cosmos on ETA to review/merge
    • Grade: 9 / 10
      • ICS23 merged in our repo using my fork of cosmos/ics23 as a dependency
      • My explanations on why the exclusion proof is needed can improve as others find it hard to understand
      • Cosmos PR is ready to merge pending review (probably take a while)
  • 🟡 ICS24

    • Put up event logging for review; stretch goal is to merge
    • Grade: 6 / 10
      • ICS-24 stores have made great progress
      • Event logging unfortunately didnt make this fortnight
      • Message onto/off of bus as transactions works well 👍🏻
  • 🟡 Light client spike

    • Start knowing where to head with research
    • Grade: 5 / 10
      • ICS-02 specced out well
      • ICS-08 needs more work into its design
        • Need to learn more about CosmWasm and WasmVM
      • WIP document needs to be converted to ticket epic

Contribute to V1 🧑‍💻

Links & References


Please note that everything that was not Done in iteration19 is moving over to iteration20.

Iteration 19 - Completed

Iteration19_1 Iteration19_2

Iteration 20 - Planned

tl;dr Aim to demo as much of the work from the previous iteration in action

![Iteration20](Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 1 35 07 PM)

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