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A simple demo built by Pradeep, to showcase transfer of a custom ERC-20 token, to a specified wallet on Holesky testnet.

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prePO Tech Demo

A simple demo for prePO, built by Pradeep, to showcase transfer of a custom ERC-20 token, to a specified wallet on Holesky testnet. prePO is a decentralized trading platform allowing anyone to gain synthetic exposure to any pre-IPO company or pre-token crypto project. It's mission is to democratize pre-public investing, transforming a world of financial exclusion into a world of permissionless access.

Table of Contents

Setup Metamask

Set up a new MetaMask wallet (or set up a new browser profile if you already have MetaMask installed). You can add a custom network manually by importing the desired network's RPC information. Follow the steps below to do this for Holesky testnet:


The process of adding Holesky testnet to your wallet may be slightly different depending on the wallet you are using. The steps below are for MetaMask. If you are using a different wallet, there is most likely a similar process you can follow.

Add Holesky Testnet

  • Open Metamask, and in the top left corner click on the 'Networks' list, then click on the 'Add network' button.

  • You will see a list of available networks. Scroll to the bottom, then click on the 'Add a network manually' button.

  • In the next step you need to enter Holesky's RPC information (provided below), and then click the 'Save' button.

  • You have now successfully added Holesky testnet! Switch to it, by selecting it from the available networks list.


Holesky RPC

Chain ID: 17000

Currency symbol: ETH

Network name: Holesky Testnet

Block explorer URL:

Network URL:

Add Custom Token

  • Open Metamask, and navigate to the 'Tokens' tab. Scroll to the bottom, then click on the 'Import tokens' link.

  • Navigate to the 'Custom token' tab, enter the custom token's contract address, then click on the 'Next' button.

  • If the remaining information is not auto-filled, enter the symbol and decimal, then click on the 'Import' button.

  • You have now successfully added FAKE_WETH! Email me your test wallet address to receive some FAKE_WETH.

  • I will send you a small amount of Holesky ETH and FAKE_WETH, which can be used to test the ERC-20 transfers.


Token details

Contract address: 0x4Ed72e128865ddEa054261B8ef6b756C0C17C3f5


Decimal: 18

Screenshot of Metamask home page

Running the App

Install the latest LTS version of Node and its package manager (which in localhost were, v18.18.1 and 9.8.1 at the time of writing this document). Once Node is installed on your machine, open the terminal or command prompt at the root of the project directory, and run the commands provided below. Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the app (main home page) run on the local development server.

npm install
npm run dev

Screenshot of the main home page

The Coding Journey

In tackling this challenge, one of the key rules was to get it done within a tight four-hour window (not including the time it took to write this document). So, I've laid out my brainstorming and coding journey, outlining the necessary features I whipped up within that time frame, and the improvements I made along the way, including the nitty-gritty of how long each feature took to cook up.

Boilerplate Setup

Time taken: ~1.5 hours

In my recent projects, I've been diving deep into Next.js with React, and I cloned one that came with CSS Modules, Wagmi, and Viem as a boilerplate. The perk? Basic setup and a seamless CI/CD pipeline already in place, ready to connect to Vercel with minimal fuss. Plus, a handful of UI and layout components to jumpstart the design.

But here's the kicker, many of these projects also used Tailwind (its SASS version alongside CSS Modules), so I had to spend some time stripping it out. Unexpectedly, I also hit a snag installing the latest version of Wagmi, forcing me to revert to an older version, but one that still contained its newer API changes.


You can track the above issue with Wagmi, that caused the installation with npm to hang at wevm/wagmi#3907.


The Vercel production domain for the main branch is set up at

Screenshot of deployments on Vercel

Required Features

Time taken: ~1.5 hours


All required features (listed below), that were to be tackled as part of this challenge, have been completed πŸš€

Connect to Holesky Testnet βœ…

  • Users can connect their wallet (i.e. Metamask) to Holesky Testnet by clicking on the 'Connect wallet' button.

Wallet Address and Balance βœ…

  • Once connected, the description changes to show the address, e.g. 'Connected: 0xad917d6a609…4d955ddf525'.

  • Once connected, the list of available tokens updates to show on-chain balances, e.g. 2234.117457 FAKE_WETH.

Transfer some FAKE_ETH βœ…

  • Users can transfer specified FAKE_ETH to a 'Receiving wallet' by clicking on the 'Transfer FAKE_WETH' button.

Screenshot of transfer widget

Clean, Responsive UI/UX βœ…

  • The UI embodies a sophisticated dark theme, drawing inspiration from the sleek aesthetics of shadcn/ui.

  • Additionally, the color pallete has been personalized with influence from the refined hues of

Screenshot of loading skeleton


Time taken: ~1 hour

Loading / Status Indicators βœ…

  • Dynamic components in the UI gracefully display either a skeleton, or a spinner, to signal pending status.

Transfer Form / Validation βœ…

  • While the original requirement was to use a preset wallet / amount, users can change it in the transfer form.

  • The transfer form also performs validation on whether the 'Receiving wallet' and 'Transfer amount' are valid.

Screenshot of form validation

More Time?

When it comes to building something awesome, there's always room for a little extra sparkle, whether it's jazzing up the UI/UX, fine-tuning functionality, or giving your code a makeover to make it as clear as crystal. Below, I've jotted down a few fabulous improvements I had in mind, but, alas, time slipped through my fingers πŸ˜”

Support for mobile wallets

  • While the layout is responsive and works well on mobile, I used the default injected connector, which meant it doesn't work well with Metamask on mobile. The ideal scenario would have been to use the metaMask connector, or better yet, use a more comprehensive solution like walletConnect, which could have supported a wide variety of mobile wallets.

Stricter balance validation

  • The form validation at the moment uses the formatted (string) value of the FAKE_WETH balance. This is not very accurate solution, since it only considers the first 6 decimals and can lead to plenty of dust being left over. The better solution would have been to use the raw unformatted (bigint) value instead. I did have a @TODO in the code to change it towards the end, but didn't get the time action it.

Programmatically disconnect

  • Wagmi's hooks at the moment uses shimDisconnect which simulates the disconnect behavior by keeping track of connection status in storage since Metamask does not support programmatic disconnect. Surprisingly wallet_revokePermissions RPC method was just added to metamask/core, and ideally It'd been nice to implement it, even if it was using a temporary hack / custom hook.

Available Scripts

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with Create Next App. At the root of the project directory, you can execute the following commands (listed below) via the terminal or command prompt.

npm run dev

Run the Next.js app locally in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.

npm run build

Build the Next.js app locally for production usage, with a detailed breakdown of the optimized production build.

npm run start

Once built locally, start a Next.js production server. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.


A simple demo built by Pradeep, to showcase transfer of a custom ERC-20 token, to a specified wallet on Holesky testnet.






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