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fs446 committed Nov 26, 2020
1 parent 4aa9702 commit b19a23c
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,893 additions and 1,534 deletions.
28 changes: 25 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,33 @@
Selected Topics in Audio Signal Processing - Exercises

[static web pages](
- [static web pages (using nbviewer)](
- [interactive web based (using mybinder)](

[interactive web based (using mybinder)](
- for local usage create an conda environment (`mystiasp`), clone the git repository
and start jupyter notebook or jupyter lab
- created with `conda 4.9.2`
- currently we rely on some older matplotlib version
- `conda create -n mystiasp python=3.7.8 pip=20.2.4 numpy=1.19.4 scipy=1.5.3 matplotlib=3.1.3 jupyter=1.0.0 notebook=6.1.5 jupyterlab=2.2.9 pydocstyle=5.1.1 pycodestyle=2.6.0 autopep8=1.5.4 flake8=3.8.4 ipykernel=5.3.4 nb_conda=2.2.1 jupyter_nbextensions_configurator=0.4.1 jupyter_contrib_nbextensions=0.5.1`
- `conda activate mystiasp`
- we need to install pip packages since conda does not have them:
- `pip install soundfile==0.10.3.post1`
- `pip install sounddevice==0.4.1`
- `python3 -m pip install sfs==0.5.0 --user`
- make sure that the kernel is accesible for the notebooks:
- `python -m ipykernel install --user --name mystiasp --display-name "mystiasp"`
- now clone the repo:
- `cd git` or whatever is a good root folder
- `git clone`
- `cd selected-topics-in-audio-signal-processing-exercises/`
- `jupyter notebook index.ipynb` or `jupyter lab index.ipynb`
- make sure that `mystiasp` kernel is used for the notebooks
- have fun with the playgrounds


The authors waive copyright and related rights in the work through the
[CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication](

This is supposed to be an [Open Educational Resource](
This is supposed to be an [Open Educational Resource]( (OER).
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions detailed_packages_list_yml.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
name: mystiasp
- conda-forge
- defaults
- appnope=0.1.0
- argon2-cffi=20.1.0
- async_generator=1.10
- attrs=20.3.0
- autopep8=1.5.4
- backcall=0.2.0
- backports=1.0
- backports.functools_lru_cache=1.6.1
- bleach=3.2.1
- brotlipy=0.7.0
- ca-certificates=2020.11.8
- certifi=2020.11.8
- cffi=1.14.4
- chardet=3.0.4
- cryptography=3.2.1
- cycler=0.10.0
- dbus=1.13.6
- decorator=4.4.2
- defusedxml=0.6.0
- entrypoints=0.3
- expat=2.2.9
- flake8=3.8.4
- freetype=2.10.4
- gettext=
- glib=2.66.3
- icu=67.1
- idna=2.10
- importlib-metadata=3.1.0
- importlib_metadata=3.1.0
- ipykernel=5.3.4
- ipython=7.19.0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0
- ipywidgets=7.5.1
- jedi=0.17.2
- jinja2=2.11.2
- jpeg=9d
- json5=0.9.5
- jsonschema=3.2.0
- jupyter=1.0.0
- jupyter_client=6.1.7
- jupyter_console=6.2.0
- jupyter_contrib_core=0.3.3
- jupyter_contrib_nbextensions=0.5.1
- jupyter_core=4.7.0
- jupyter_highlight_selected_word=0.2.0
- jupyter_latex_envs=1.4.6
- jupyter_nbextensions_configurator=0.4.1
- jupyterlab=2.2.9
- jupyterlab_pygments=0.1.2
- jupyterlab_server=1.2.0
- kiwisolver=1.3.1
- krb5=1.17.2
- libblas=3.9.0
- libcblas=3.9.0
- libclang=10.0.1
- libcxx=11.0.0
- libedit=3.1.20191231
- libffi=3.2.1
- libgfortran=5.0.0
- libgfortran5=9.3.0
- libglib=2.66.3
- libiconv=1.16
- liblapack=3.9.0
- libllvm10=10.0.1
- libopenblas=0.3.12
- libpng=1.6.37
- libpq=12.3
- libsodium=1.0.18
- libxml2=2.9.10
- libxslt=1.1.33
- llvm-openmp=11.0.0
- lxml=4.6.1
- lz4-c=1.9.2
- markupsafe=1.1.1
- matplotlib=3.1.3
- matplotlib-base=3.1.3
- mccabe=0.6.1
- mistune=0.8.4
- mysql-common=8.0.21
- mysql-libs=8.0.21
- nb_conda=2.2.1
- nb_conda_kernels=2.3.0
- nbclient=0.5.1
- nbconvert=6.0.7
- nbformat=5.0.8
- ncurses=6.2
- nest-asyncio=1.4.3
- notebook=6.1.5
- nspr=4.29
- nss=3.47
- numpy=1.19.4
- openssl=1.1.1h
- packaging=20.4
- pandoc=2.11.2
- pandocfilters=1.4.2
- parso=0.7.1
- pcre=8.44
- pexpect=4.8.0
- pickleshare=0.7.5
- pip=20.2.4
- prometheus_client=0.9.0
- prompt-toolkit=3.0.8
- prompt_toolkit=3.0.8
- ptyprocess=0.6.0
- pycodestyle=2.6.0
- pycparser=2.20
- pydocstyle=5.1.1
- pyflakes=2.2.0
- pygments=2.7.2
- pyopenssl=19.1.0
- pyparsing=2.4.7
- pyqt=5.12.3
- pyrsistent=0.17.3
- pysocks=1.7.1
- python=3.7.8
- python-dateutil=2.8.1
- python_abi=3.7
- pyyaml=5.3.1
- pyzmq=20.0.0
- qt=5.12.9
- qtconsole=5.0.1
- qtpy=1.9.0
- readline=8.0
- requests=2.25.0
- scipy=1.5.3
- send2trash=1.5.0
- setuptools=49.6.0
- six=1.15.0
- snowballstemmer=2.0.0
- sqlite=3.33.0
- terminado=0.9.1
- testpath=0.4.4
- tk=8.6.10
- toml=0.10.2
- tornado=6.1
- traitlets=5.0.5
- urllib3=1.25.11
- wcwidth=0.2.5
- webencodings=0.5.1
- wheel=0.35.1
- widgetsnbextension=3.5.1
- xz=5.2.5
- yaml=0.2.5
- zeromq=4.3.3
- zipp=3.4.0
- zlib=1.2.11
- zstd=1.4.5
- pip:
- pyqt5-sip==4.19.18
- pyqtchart==5.12
- pyqtwebengine==5.12.1
- sfs==0.5.0
- sounddevice==0.4.1
- soundfile==0.10.3.post1
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions index.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,12 @@
"The most flexible alternative, as you can save your changes. However, you need to download and install some stuff in order to get things working on your machine.\n",
"The information below might be outdated. Please have a look at\n",
"for more recent installation guide using terminal (checked for Mac OS)\n",
"#### Install Python \n",
"Make sure you always use Python 3!\n",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,9 +125,9 @@
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3",
"display_name": "mystiasp",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"name": "mystiasp"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
Expand All @@ -133,9 +139,9 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.5.2"
"version": "3.7.8"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0
"nbformat_minor": 1

0 comments on commit b19a23c

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