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BeEF Tips

xpz3 edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 8 revisions
Important tips about BeEF
  • The right software you must install is BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework). Be careful, do not mistake it with beef (Flexible Brainfuck Interpreter). This package has the same name and executable file name on some distributions and can lead into confusion. Anyway, airgeddon is able to detect the issue and display a warning if needed. Here is a link to the right BeEF installation's page.

  • If you are using a distribution which already has BeEF installed like Parrot Security, Kali, BlackArch or Wifislax, there will be no problems. If you have manually installed BeEF, airgeddon is able to manage the integration asking for the path where it's installed, even modifying its own code in order to make update-proof persistent changes.

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