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Kali Nethunter

Óscar Alfonso Díaz edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 10 revisions

Kali Nethunter for Android is not officially supported by airgeddon. Anyway, some users were able to run airgeddon successfully on it. First of all, make sure that you have a kernel supporting usb wifi drivers for your card. You should be able to set monitor mode on your card before using airgeddon.

Known Evil Twin captive portal problem: If you experience a problem on webserver's window saying something like cat: /dev/stdin: No such file or directory when a client types the password in the captive portal during the attack, there is a fix for that. Just perform these commands in order to make some needed symlinks:

~# ln -s /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin
~# ln -s /proc/self/fd/1 /dev/stdout
~# ln -s /proc/self/fd/2 /dev/stderr

Important note: If you reboot your Kali Nethunter, these commands should be launched again. Probably it could be a good idea to set them to be launched automatically on each reboot in some startup script.

Other Evil Twin captive portal problem on redirection: If captive portal is not appearing automatically or not redirecting well, probably it is caused by your kernel due to a non-nftables compatibility or it is missing a required module. Just force iptables to be used and it will work smoothly. To do that, enable the option setting it to true AIRGEDDON_FORCE_IPTABLES=true in the hidden configuration options ".airgeddonrc" file. More info about the available options in the .airgedonrc file is found here.

More info about Kali Nethunter at it's official page: Kali Nethunter

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